video installation, 3 channel, 20 min, audio, no language, 2023, Mexico/Germany

Inspired by my personal journey of decolonization, having gained a cultural distance that allows me to see myself and my roots, I've embarked on a quest filled with questions only my ancestors may hold the answers to. Decolonization is to meet our ancestors. Decolonization is a spiritual pratice.
This is a film about a mestiza questioning her identity as she confronts the shadows of forgotten histories, only to awaken the latent memories of her ancestors, long stored within the recesses of her body, mind, and spirit.

Shadow of Venus is an experimental short film set in the epistemological space of the internalized coloniality of a mestiza, where the sense of self relies on the Eurocentric and patriarchal worldview perpetuated in Abya Yala. Displayed as a 3-channel video installation, the film acknowledges the interrelation between the human body and celestial bodies, in this case, Venus and the Moon, as they share periodicities and cycles: the lunar and the menstrual, the Venusian and the gestational. Through introspective meditation, the mestiza immerses herself in a spiritual journey in synchronicity with the moon and Venus, where the mind, body, and spirit become territories in dispute.

The installation comprises three projections, with screens positioned adjacent, aligning their edges. The middle screen adheres to a 16:9 format, while the side screens adopt a 4:3 ratio. The middle screen is installed parallel to a wall or creating a frontal position for the viewer, while the side screens are subtly inwardly rotated, forming a composition reminiscent of a triptych. In front of the screens, a circular jute carpet holds a bowl of water at the center, surrounded by flowers, smaller water bowls, and candles. Meditation cushions serve as seating. The installation is designed for an open audio experience, though it is also compatible with headphones.

Written, directed, filmed & edited by Alejandra Montoya
Music & sound design: Cristina Bucardo
Ballet dance performance & choreography: Diana Mora
Dance & Performance on location: Yanireth Jiménez
Filmed in: Medienwerkstatt im Kulturwerk des BBK Berlin & Lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México
Made with the support of: Hessische Abschluss Förderung, SHOSTA Universität Kassel
Special thanks to: Prof. Bjørn Melhus, Prof. Auriea Harvey, Matthias Wörz, Ana Vera, Frida Rømo, The Bernds, Betty Tuxpan, Israel Tuxpan, Beto Utrilla, Alejandro Montoya, Gloria Ruedas

                                                                                                                                                                       graduation show, Monopol Berlin, 14.-16.07.2023